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Fitnesse command line fixture

Does anyone have/"run into" a Fitnesse a Windows commnand line fixutre? I need to run executables then run my test suites and would appreciate if someone has such a fixture laying around.

Basically, what I am trying to do is the following:

|C:\dev\myFileImporter.exe -f c:\dev\data\file.txt|


  • If you're using Fit, you can try Bob Martin's CommandLineFixture. You can use it by creating a simple test table as follows:

    | com.objectmentor.fixtures.CommandLineFixture                |
    | command | C:\dev\myFileImporter.exe -f c:\dev\data\file.txt |

    It also has some nice functionality like being able to search stderr/stdout for certain messages, wait for forked processes to finish, etc.

    It's written in Java, and source code is available in case you have to customize it (when I used this, I customized it fairly heavily to add new functionality).