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Ruby - Sqrt on a very large Integer cause Rounding issues

I'm trying to solve a Fibonacci problem and am stumbling into rounding issues.

If i = 8670007398507948658051921 then fib1 = 19386725908489880000000000.0.

My code is below - thanks for any help.

def is_fibonacci?(i)

  fib1 = Math.sqrt(5*(i**2)+4)
  fib2 = Math.sqrt(5*(i**2)-4)

  fib1 == fib1.round || fib2 == fib2.round ? true : false



  • Doing sqrt like that will not work for such big values, because sqrt returns a Float and its precision will not suffice here. I would advice you to implement your own sqrt function. There are several algorithms out there suggesting how to do that, but I personally thing using a binary search for computing the reverse for a function is the easiest:

    def sqrt a
      begv = 1
      endv = a
      while endv > begv + 1
         mid = (endv + begv)/2
         if mid ** 2 <= a
            begv = mid
            endv = mid
      return begv

    Alternatively you may try using BigDecimal for the sqrt(simply raise to power 0.5), but I like above method better as it does not involve any double calculations.