I am attempting to parse text from a <cfoutput query="...">
. I am interested in finding the number of times every word in the text is displayed. For example:
"My name is Bob and I like to Bob".
should result in
Bob - 2
Name - 1
etc, etc, etc.
I take my <cfoutput>
from a twitter RSS feed. Here is my code:
<cfset feedurl="http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/47847839.rss" />
<cffeed source="#feedurl#" properties="feedmeta" query="feeditems" />
<cfoutput query="feeditems">
#content# #id# <br><br>
I output a pretty great ordered list, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to parse the content and list how many times each word is used.
Thanks for any help you can provide, I am new to these forums!
You can find a solution here:
Basically, split the string up using regex and then loop over the results. There are some darn good comments here as well.