I have a file with the lines as:
5 3 6 4 2 3 5
1 4 3 2 6 5 8
I want to get the min on each line, so for example with the input given above, I should get:
min of first line: 2
min of second line: 1
How can I use awk to do this for any arbitrary number of columns in each line?
If you don't mind the output using digits instead of words you can use this one liner:
$ awk '{m=$1;for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i<m)m=$i;print "min of line",NR": ",m}' file
min of line 1: 2
min of line 2: 1
If you really do want to count in ordinal numbers:
split("first second third fourth",count," ")
print "min of",count[NR],"line: \t",min
Save this to script.awk
and run like:
$ awk -f script.awk file
min of first line: 2
min of second line: 1
Obviously this will only work for files with upto 4 lines but just increase the ordinal numbers list to the maximum number you think you will need. You should be able to find a list online pretty easily.