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Templated classes with pimpl idiom incorrect

As described in the MSDN library here I wanted to experiment a bit with the pimpl idiom. Right now I have a Foo.hpp with

template<typename T>
class Foo {
    typedef std::shared_ptr<Foo<T>> Ptr;

    class Impl;
    std::unique_ptr<Impl> pImpl;

where the T parameter isn't used yet. The implementation is stored in Foo.cpp

template<typename T>
class Foo<T>::Impl {
    int m_TestVar;

template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : pImpl(new Impl) {
    this->pImpl->m_TestVar = 0x3713;

Currently the compiler has two errors and one warning:

  • use of undefined type 'Foo<T>::Impl'; ... vc\include\memory in line 1150
  • can't delete an incomplete type; ... vc\include\memory in line 1151
  • deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'Foo<T>::Impl'; no destructor called; ... vc\include\memory in line 1152

What is the concflict here and how could I resolve it?

Edit. Removed the call to std::make_shared - copy&paste fail based on one old version.


  • I have had a similar issue - we've a base class in our system called NamedComponent and I wanted to create a template which takes an existing named component and converts it into a pimpl facade.

    What I did was separate the template into a header and an inline file, and create a function to cause the template to be instantiated. This allows the implementation to be in a library, with the template instantiations of the facade with that implementation, and for the client to be able to use the facade based on the template and a forward declaration of the implementation.

    header 'Foo.h':

    template<class T> class Foo
        Foo ();
        virtual ~Foo();
        T *impl_;
        // forwarding functions
        void DoIt();

    inline functions 'Foo.inl':

    #include "Foo.h"
    template<class T> Foo<T>::Foo() :
        impl_ ( new T )
    template<class T> Foo<T>::~Foo()
        delete impl_;
    // forwarding functions
    template<class T> void Foo<T>::DoIt()
        impl_ -> DoIt();
    // force instantiation
    template<typename T>
    void InstantiateFoo()
        Foo<T> foo;

    implementation cpp file - include the template inline functions, define the implementation, reference the instantiation function:

    #include "Foo.inl"
    class ParticularImpl {
        void DoIt() {
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
    void InstantiateParticularFoo() {

    client cpp file - include the template header, forward declare the implementation and use the pimpl facade:

    #include "Foo.h"
    class ParticularImpl;
    int main () {
        Foo<ParticularImpl> bar;

    You may have to fiddle with the InstantiateFoo function's contents to force the compiler to instantiate all functions - in my case, the base called all the pimpl's functions in template methods so once one was referenced, they all were. You don't need to call the Instantiate functions, just link to them.