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C# if value is =

I am retrieving the OEM number from a Windows mobile smart device, and am trying to figure out how to use a returned value in an if statement.

Below is the code I use to return the value. I would like to make sure the OEM number is always 86.09.0008 and if it is not i would like it to let me know.

class oem
    const string OEM_VERSION = "OEMVersion";
    private const int SPI_GETOEMINFO = 258;
    private const int MAX_OEM_NAME_LENGTH = 128;
    private const int WCHAR_SIZE = 2;

    public static extern int SystemParametersInfo(int uiAction, int uiParam, string pBuf, int fWinIni);

    public static extern int CAD_GetOemVersionNumber(ref System.UInt16 lpwMajor, ref System.UInt16 lpwMinor);

    public string getOEMVersion()
        System.UInt16 nMajor = 0;
        System.UInt16 nMinor = 0;
        uint nBuild = 0;

        int status = CAD_GetOemVersionNumber(ref nMajor, ref nMinor);

        if (((System.Convert.ToBoolean(status))))
            string sMajor = String.Format("{0:00}", nMajor); //in 2-digits
            string sMinor = String.Format("{0:00}", nMinor); //in 2-digits
            string sBuild = String.Format("{0:0000}", nBuild); //in 4-digits

            return (sMajor + "." + sMinor + "." + sBuild);
        else // failed
            return ("00.00.0000");

I'm calling this from my main form like so:

label1.Text = oemver.getOEMVersion();


  • if statements require a bool value. In your case you should compare the value you require with the value you obtained

    if(status == 86.09.0009)//...

    Note the double '==' which is an operator that checks for equality. Contrast this with the single '=' which performs an assignment.

    Also note that int does not allow for decimals. Considering that this number has two decimals I believe you need to get this as a string.