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haskell - flip fix / fix

>>>flip fix (0 :: Int) (\a b -> putStrLn "abc")
Output: "abc"

This is a simplified version of using flip fix.
I saw this way of using it in some youtube video which are probably from google tech talk or some other talks.

Can somebody give me some pointers(not some memory address, thanks!) that what exactly fix is. I know the general definition from documentation on the official site. And I have scanned through lots of stuff on the internet, just couldn't find an answer that is comprehensive and simple to understand.

And flip fix just looks like a mystery to me. What actually happened in that particular function call?

BTW, I only picked Haskell up like 2 months ago. And I'm not very good at Math :(

This is the complete code, shared by the person who did that presentation, if anyone is interested:

(Oh, and here's the wiki link explaining the game mastermind Click)

module Mastermind where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import System.Random

data Score = Score
  { scoreRightPos :: Int
  , scoreWrongPos :: Int
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Read Score where
  readsPrec _ r = [ (Score rp wp, t)
                  | (rp, s) <- readsPrec 11 r
                  , (wp, t) <- readsPrec 11 s

calcScore :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Score
calcScore secret guess = Score rightPos wrongPos
    rightPos    = length [() | (a, b) <- zip secret guess, a == b]
    wrongPos    = length secret - length wrongTokens - rightPos
    wrongTokens = guess \\ secret

pool :: String
pool = "rgbywo"

universe :: [String]
universe = perms 4 pool

perms :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
perms n p = [s' | s <- subsequences p, length s == n, s' <- permutations s]

chooseSecret :: IO String
chooseSecret = do
  i <- randomRIO (0, length universe - 1)
  return $ universe !! i

guessSecret :: [Score] -> [String]-> [String]
guessSecret _      []    = []
guessSecret ~(s:h) (g:u) = g : guessSecret h [g' | g' <- u, calcScore g' g == s]

playSecreter :: IO ()
playSecreter = do
  secret <- chooseSecret
  flip fix (0 :: Int) $ \loop numGuesses -> do
    putStr "Guess: "
    guess <- getLine
      score       = calcScore secret guess
      numGuesses' = numGuesses + 1
    print score
    case scoreRightPos score of
      4 -> putStrLn $ "Well done, you guessed in " ++ show numGuesses'
      _ -> loop numGuesses'

playBoth :: IO ()
playBoth = do
  secret <- chooseSecret
    guesses     = guessSecret scores universe
    scores      = map (calcScore secret) guesses
    history     = zip guesses scores
  forM_ history $ \(guess, score) -> do
    putStr "Guess: "
    putStrLn guess
    print score
  putStrLn $ "Well done, you guessed in " ++ show (length history)

playGuesser :: IO ()
playGuesser = do
  input <- getContents
    guesses     = guessSecret scores universe
    scores      = map read $ lines input
    history     = zip guesses scores
  forM_ guesses $ \guess -> do
    putStrLn guess
    putStr "Score: "
  case snd $ last history of
    Score 4 0 -> putStrLn $ "Well done me, I guessed in " ++ show (length history)
    _         -> putStrLn "Cheat!"


  • fix is the fixed-point operator. As you probably know from it's definition, it computes the fixed point of a function. This means, for a given function f, it searches for a value x such that f x == x.

    How to find such a value for an arbitrary function?

    We can view x as the result of infinite term f (f (f ... ) ...)). Obviously, since it is infinite, adding f in front of it doesn't change it, so f x will be the same as x. Of course, we cannot express an infinite term, but we can define fix as fix f = f (fix f), which expresses the idea.

    Does it makes sense?

    Will it ever terminate? Yes, it will, but only because Haskell is a lazy language. If f doesn't need its argument, it will not evaluate it, so the computation will terminate, it won't loop forever. If we call fix on a function that always uses its argument (it is strict), it will never terminate. So some functions have a fixed point, some don't. And Haskell's lazy evaluation ensures that we compute it, if it exists.

    Why is fix useful?

    It expresses recursion. Any recursive function can be expressed using fix, without any additional recursion. So fix is a very powerful tool! Let's say we have

    fact :: Int -> Int
    fact 0 = 1
    fact n = n * fact (n - 1)

    we can eliminate recursion using fix as follows:

    fact :: Int -> Int
    fact = fix fact'
        fact' :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
        fact' _ 0 = 1
        fact' r n = n * r (n - 1)

    Here, fact' isn't recursive. The recursion has been moved into fix. The idea is that fact' accepts as its first argument a function that it will use for a recursive call, if it needs to. If you expand fix fact' using the definition of fix, you'll see that it does the same as the original fact.

    So you could have a language that only has a primitive fix operator and otherwise doesn't permit any recursive definitions, and you could express everything you can with recursive definitions.

    Back to your example

    Let's view flip fix (0 :: Int) (\a b -> putStrLn "abc"), it is just fix (\a b -> putStrLn "abc") (0 :: Int). Now let's evaluate:

    fix (\a b -> putStrLn "abc") =
    (\a b -> putStrLn "abc") (fix (\a b -> putStrLn "abc")) =
    \b -> putStrLn "abc"

    So the whole expression evaluates to (\b -> putStrLn "abc") (0 :: Int) which is just putStrLn "abc". Because function \a b -> putStrLn "abc" ignores its first argument, fix never recurses. It's actually used here only to obfuscate the code.