In SmartGWT 3.0, setting testdata had a DataClass[]
parameter. An example would be this:
public void loadUsers(List<User> params) {
this.users = new HashMap<String, User>();
UserDC[] items = new UserDC[params.size()];
int i = 0;
for(User item : params) {
users.put(item.getUsername(), item);
items[i] = new UserDC(item);
How do I do this in SmartGWT 3.1?
In SmartGWT 3.1, the DataClass[] parameter was replaced by a Record… parameter. The way I fixed this is by converting each DataClass object to a Javascript Object and collecting them in a Record Array. Like this:
public void loadUsers(List<User> params) {
this.users = new HashMap<String, User>();
Record[] items = new Record[params.size()];
int i = 0;
for(User item : params) {
users.put(item.getUsername(), item);
items[i] = new Record(new UserDC(item).getJsObj());