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Does Greenplum support Kerberos Authentication between its nodes?

I need to "kerberize" our Greenplum cluster. One of the aspects of this is that I should kerberize the interface between the GP master and its Segment Hosts. I have been unable to determine if this is supported or not.

I have seen the parameters in the posgresql.conf file (krb_server_keyfile and krb_srvname) and have tried to set these, but it does not seem to work (Greenplum still works, it just does not appear the connection is kerberized).

I did this with hadoop and it was pretty straight forward, but, again, cannot figure out how to do it in GP or if it is even possible. Any ideas?



  • So... the answer, as near as I can tell is this:

    First, for clarification, there are two places where I am required to "kerberize" GP. The first in master/slave connectivity. This turned out the be easy enough after I learned this communication is ssh based. I just switched the rsa/dsa generated passwordless authorization with Kerberos SSH. I am not sure this is really any more or less secure, but a requirement none-the-less. The second is locking down the administrative/jdbc access. This should easy, after all GP is based upon Postgres, I have have secured Postgres with Kerberos in the past. Unfortuntaly, GP is based upon Postgres 8.2. This was before GSS support for Kerberos was added to Postgres, and I cannot get this to work. I am not positive that it can. Maybe GP will upgrade to 8.4 (at a minimum) soon and I can try that.