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AppEngine 1.7.6 and Django 1.4.2 release

AppEngine 1.7.6 has promoted Django 1.4.2 to GA. I wonder how and if people this are using The reason for my question is that Django-nonrel seems to be stuck on Django 1.3 and there are no signs of an updated realease.

What I would like to use from Djano are controllers, views and especially form validations.


  • If what you want is to use controllers, views and form validations you still can do it.

    Django comes built-in in Google App Engine, so you can write your Django application inside. What's the problem? That Django models are relational but datastore is not. You have 2 options there:

    • Use CloudSQL, that way you will be able to use normal Django models with a MySQL-like database.
    • Use everything from Django but the models. Just don't use Django ORM, and use the GAE SDK instead. Or even NDB. You will loose some things like ModelForms, but it can make the work.