I've run into what feels like a pretty basic error, but I can't find any documentation about what I'm struggling with. Here's the code:
require "fileutils"
def new_name(fn, dest = '/Volumes/External/Different\ Sublevel/Renamed', append = '_01')
ext = File.extname(fn)
File.join( dest, File.basename(fn, ext) + append + ext )
Dir[ '/Volumes/External/Example/Sublevels/**/*.xml' ].
select { |fn| File.file? fn }.
each { |fn| FileUtils.cp fn, new_name(fn) }
All I'm trying to do is move some files (non-destructively) and append the filename. It works great on some local files, but I did multiple levels of ../../../
to get it to work. Is there something special about specifying external drives?
You are trying to pass string with escaped space character that is not interpreted inside apostrophes. You have to either omit the escape character
'/Volumes/External/Different Sublevel/Renamed'
or put it in double-quotes
"/Volumes/External/Different\ Sublevel/Renamed"
String created with apostrophes interprets only two escape sequences: backslash '\\'
and apostrophe itself '\''