I think I may have found a PHP program to upload files from a specific folder onto my Dropbox account. The full solution can be found here.
The code seems to work because files and folders a like are being uploaded. However, I don't want the files on my server to be compressed beforehand: I want to copy all files with the files and folders within.
How can the code be modified please? All I want is to copy a specific directory called uploads from my server to dropbox. After modifying the code I managed to arrive at this code:
// Set the timezone so filenames are correct
// Dropbox username/password
// Filenames for backup files
$backup_files = "files_" . date("Y.m.d-h.i.s_l") . '.zip';
// File to backup
$siteroot = "/site/home/public_html/website/parent/child/uploads/";
// Backup all files in public_html apart from the gz
system("zip -r $backup_files $siteroot");
$uploader = new DropboxUploader($dropbox_email, $dropbox_pass);
system("rm $backup_files");
Actual Solution Special thanks to Alireza Noori, halfer and everyone else.
// Set the timezone so filenames are correct
// Backup all files in public_html apart from the gz
$siteroot = "/path/to/backup";
$dropbox_email='dropbox@email'; //Dropbox username
$dropbox_pass='pass'; // Dropbox password
$uploader = new DropboxUploader($dropbox_email, $dropbox_pass);
function FolderToDropbox($dir, $dropbox_link){
$dropbox_folder = 'FolderInDropboxRoot/';
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach($files as $item){
if($item != '.' && $item != '..'){
if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$item)) FolderToDropbox($dir.'/'.$item,$dropbox_link);
else if(is_file($dir.'/'.$item)) {
$clean_dir = str_replace("/path/to/backup", "", $dir);
What @halfer is suggesting is this (I just modified your potential solution based on his idea) so he should take credit:
function uploadx($dirtocopy, $dropboxdir, $uploader){
if ($handle = opendir($dirtocopy)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
uploadx($dirtocopy.$entry.'/', $dropboxdir.$entry.'/', $uploader);
} else {
$uploader->upload($dirtocopy.$entry, $dropboxdir.$entry);
// Dropbox username/password
// File to backup
$siteroot = "./";
$uploader = new DropboxUploader($dropbox_email, $dropbox_pass);
uploadx($siteroot, 'Backup/Files/', $uploader);
BTW, the function above is from here: How to backup files from a specific directory to Dropbox using PHP only?