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How to store escaped characters in MySQL and display them in php?

For example I want to store the String "That's all". MySQL automatically escapes the ' character. How do I echo that String from the database using php but remove the \ in front of escaped characters like \' ? I would also like to preserve other formatting like new lines and blank spaces.


  • Have you tried stripslashes(), regarding the linebreaks just use the nl2br() function.


    $yourString = "That\'s all\n folks";
    $yourString = stripslashes(nl2br($yourString));
    echo $yourString;

    Note: \\ double slashes will turn to \ single slashes

    You should probably setup your own function, something like:

    $yourString = "That\'s all\n folks";
    function escapeString($string) {
        return stripslashes(nl2br($string));
    echo escapeString($yourString);

    There are also several good examples in the nl2br() docs

    Edit 2

    The reason your are seeing these is because mysql is escaping line breaks, etc. I am guessing you are using mysql_* functions. You should probably look into mysqli or PDO.

    Here is an example:

    $yourString = "That's all
    echo mysql_escape_string($yourString);


    That\'s all\r\n folks