I'm working on some apps for distribution through the Enterprise program onto company iPads (so I / the company has complete control over them). What is the "correct", if there is one, way to identify the device that the apps are running on, in the context of corporate owned devices?
CFUUIDCreate as recommended here UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now? won't work, as the id has to be the same across several apps.
Right now How can I programmatically get the MAC address of an iphone looks like the best way, but I'm very new to Apple stuff and would like to know if there is a better way.
The iPads are for warehouse use, and id'ing the device is to id which warehouse that iPad is assigned to.
We are using OpenUDID in our projects for persistent cross-app identifier as a drop-in replacement for deprecated UDID.
#include "OpenUDID.h"
NSString* openUDID = [OpenUDID value];