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WebSphere Liberty profile and Intellij: JMX administration should be enable

Is anyone running the WebSphere Liberty Profile from inside Intellij 12?

I have added a WebSphere Server Run Configuration, but all I get is:

Error running WebSphere JMX administration should be enabled

I can understand the error, but am not sure how to solve this within Intellij. I added server.xml inside WebSphere to say:


But I am not sure Intellij is even reading this config file.

enter image description here

If anyone has this working, please tell me how. Thanks.


  • To make it possible for IDEA to administrate WebSphere LP with JMX, you should specify in the server.xml:

    <applicationMonitor updateTrigger="mbean" />

    in addition to the fragment you've already specified:


    Actually, IDEA is able to make both changes for you -- you should just press the Fix button next to the JMX administration should be enabled message in the run configuration.