On Lot of websites we select country from a select list and next select list shows us the list of cities of that country. I have am trying to search method provided by any api which gives the name of cities when I pass the country name. In any language.
Also I have been unable to find any free sql table like
Country City
Australia Perth
Australia Sydney
Japan Tokyo
My ideal result would be
Country City Lat Long
Australia Perth 3.35 14.7
Australia Sydney 3.36 14.62
Japan Tokyo 4.2 12.8
Update : We can find all countries list easily, even we also can get all cities in the world, but cities are not found along with country names, so we can not determine what city belongs to which country.
I assume you're looking for something like http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/.
I haven't used it but often heard about it, and it seems to be a good product.