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Create Application bar dynamically

I want to create Application Bar dynamically in Windows Phone 8. I have used the following code to create application bar in appbar.cs file

class AppBar
    public AppBar()
        ApplicationBar appbar;
            this.appbar = new ApplicationBar();
            this.appbar.IsVisible = true;
            this.appbar.Opacity = 1;
            this.appbar.Mode = ApplicationBarMode.Minimized;
            ApplicationBarIconButton appButon = new ApplicationBarIconButton();
            appButon.IconUri = new Uri("/images/show.png", UriKind.Relative);
            appButon.Text = "Show";
            appButon.Click += appButon_Click;


        void appButon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


If i have created the instance of AppBar class, then all the methods called but i unable to see the application bar. I have given request to create the appbar from webview. From the javainterface i have created the instance of application bar with the given text and icon. How to show this in the web page.


  • I have solved the my Application bar issue. Added my application bar with parent element(PhoneApplicationPage).

    class AppBar
        public AppBar()
            ApplicationBar appbar;
            PhoneApplicationPage parentpage = (Application.Current.RootVisual as ContentControl).Content as PhoneApplicationPage; 
                parentpage.ApplicationBar =  new ApplicationBar();         
                appbar = parentpage.ApplicationBar;
                appbar.IsVisible = true;
                appbar.Opacity = 1;
                appbar.Mode = ApplicationBarMode.Minimized;
                ApplicationBarIconButton appButon = new ApplicationBarIconButton();
                appButon.IconUri = new Uri("/images/show.png", UriKind.Relative);
                appButon.Text = "Show";
                appButon.Click += appButon_Click;
            void appButon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)