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How to loop through a HashSet<T> when it is provided as an object and the T can be anything?

I'm using Value Injecters to map from 1 type to another using the LoopValueInjection and overriding the SetValue(object v) method with some custom logic. I am trying to detect when a HashSet is being passed in and go through the HashSet and apply a method to each item in it to do some clean up. The issues I'm having are because the parameter is just an object and I don't know what the type of item will be in the HashSet. For example, it could be HashSet or HashSet.

Here is the code I currently have but I'm getting an InvalidCastException.

    protected override object SetValue(object v)
        if (type.Name == "HashSet`1")
            var genericType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];

            // this line throws the InvalidCastException 
            var cleanHashSet = (HashSet<object>)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            foreach (var item in (HashSet<object>)v)  // I'm sure this cast will throw as well

            return cleanHashSet;

        return base.SetValue(v);

I guess the main question is how can I loop through the HashSet that is passed in as an object once I determine it is in fact a HashSet of some kind? I'm also thinking I will need to create a new empty HashSet of the specific type as well so I can put each item that gets cleaned up into it.


  • In .NET only interfaces and delegate types can be co- and contra-variant. So it is not possible to cast HashSet<SomeType> to HashSet<object>.

    You want to cast your v to non-generic version of IEnumerable interface

    dynamic cleanHashSet = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
    foreach (object item in (IEnumerable)v)

    If you don't want to use dynamic keyword then you need to call Add method with reflection

    object cleanHashSet = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
    var method = type.GetMethod("Add");
    foreach (object item in (IEnumerable)v)
        method.Invoke(cleanHashSet, new object[] { Clean(item) });