I meant to write a parameter of type number
, but I misspelled the type, writing Number
On my IDE (JetBrains WebStorm) the type Number
is written with the same color that is used for the primitive type number
, while if I write a name of a class (known or unknown) it uses a different color, so I guess that somehow it recognizes the misspelled type as a correct/almost-correct/sort-of-correct type.
When I compile the code, instead of complaining for example that the compiler couldn't found a class named Number
, TSC writes this error message:
Illegal property access
Does that mean that number
and Number
both co-exists as different types?
If this is true, which is the difference between those classes?
If this is not the case, then why it simply didn't write the same error message it displays for unknown classes ("The name 'Number' does not exist in the current scope")
This is the code:
class Test
private myArray:string[] = ["Jack", "Jill", "John", "Joe", "Jeff"];
public getValue(index:number):string
return this.myArray[index];
public getAnotherValue(index:Number):string
return this.myArray[index];
JavaScript has the notion of primitive types (number, string, etc) and object types (Number, String, etc, which are manifest at runtime). TypeScript types number
and Number
refer to them, respectively. JavaScript will usually coerce an object type to its primitive equivalent, or vice versa:
var x = new Number(34);
> undefined
> Number {}
x + 1
> 35
The TypeScript type system rules deal with this (spec section 3.7) like this:
For purposes of determining subtype, supertype, and assignment compatibility relationships, the Number, Boolean, and String primitive types are treated as object types with the same properties as the ‘Number’, ‘Boolean’, and ‘String’ interfaces respectively.