I actually have this model:
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.all_join_wisp
self.connection.select_all("SELECT roles.*, wisps.name AS wisp_name FROM roles LEFT JOIN wisps ON wisps.id = roles.authorizable_id")
the method all_join_wisp does almost what I want, it adds the field wisp_name, except it return a hash and not an active record object.
Is there a way to retrieve an active record object instead?
The Role model does not have belongs_to and the wisp model does not have has_many :roles , I guess it was done for flexibility or something (I did not develop the application I'm working on).
Solution implemented here: https://github.com/nemesisdesign/OpenWISP-Geographic-Monitoring/blob/287861d95fffde35d78b76ca1e529c21b0f3a54b/app/models/role.rb#L25 Thanks to @house9
you can use find_by_sql
- you get back what looks like an activerecord object but isn't really, it will have attributes from your query but they will all be string data types instead of the real types, often this is ok
def self.all_join_wisp
self.find_by_sql("SELECT roles.*, wisps.name AS wisp_name FROM roles LEFT JOIN wisps ON wisps.id = roles.authorizable_id")
list = Role.all_join_wisp
list.each do |x|
puts x
puts x.inspect
puts x.id # the role id
puts x.id.is_a?(Integer) # false
puts x.id.is_a?(String) # true
puts x.name # the role name
puts x.wisp_name # wisp name, NOTE: Role does not really have this attribute, find_by_sql adds it