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Scintilla Control Saving bookmarks to file

I am trying to save the indicators (bookmarks) for the file being edited in scintilla so that they are reloaded next time you open a file.

This is my code snippet:

List<int> bookmarks = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < scintilla1.Lines.Count; i++)
    if (!bookmarks.Contains(scintilla1.Markers.FindNextMarker(i).Number))

for (int j=0;j<bookmarks.Count;j++)

However, it seems that the index is out side its bounds, any help?


  • Can you try this:

    HashMap<int> bookmarks = new HashMap<int>();
    for (int i = 0; i < scintilla1.Lines.Count; i++)
    foreach (var bookmark in bookmarks)

    Also, it should be noted that FindNextMarker will return the next line that has a marker (see implementation here). So I think you approach is wrong. It should probably be more like this:

    HashMap<int> bookmarks = new HashMap<int>();
    int nextBookmark = 0;
    while (nextBookmark != UInt32.MaxValue)
        nextBookmark = scintilla1.Markers.FindNextMarker(nextBookmark).Line;
        if (nextBookmark != UInt32.MaxValue)
    foreach (var bookmark in bookmarks)

    Better yet, you can get ALL the markers using public List<Marker> GetMarkers(int line):

    foreach (var bookmark in scintilla1.Markers.GetMarkers(0))

    To be noted, there appears to be a maximum of 32 markers per file. See the markers documentation on the Scintilla site.