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Puppet: "Could not find class" hiccups *often* once after manifest/module changes

I’ve got no idea if this is a bug or some kind of misuse/misconfiguration. Hope somebody can help. Thanks!

If I change a file in a module or manifest directory this often results in errors, mostly of the following kinds

  • Could not find class for on node

  • Cannot find definition Class on node

These errors occur when puppet modules/manifests are changed – but it happens only once. If it happens affected puppet agents will use their cached catalog once. The next time these agents request a catalog it is compiled flawlessly and everything will work like a charm – all errors are gone. Problem is we have agents with large catalogs. Their catalog runs can take up to over a minute and so the time it takes for a change to be applied will then be doubled to take up to 2 or even 3 minutes.

Usually changes of modules/manifests are performed by “git pull”. But it’s easy to reproduce these error messages by simple “touch” operations. Here are some interesting log observations and their [commonness]. Yes AFAICS they always appear in triplets. It rarely happens that there are no such problems at all after a modification.

> touch /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/manifests/site.pp

[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class> for <node> on <node>
[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class> for <node> on <node>
[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class> for <node> on <node>

> touch /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/puppet.conf

[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class> for <node> on <node>
[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class> for <node> on <node>
[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class> for <node> on <node>

[sometimes] puppet-master[12498]: Cannot find definition Class on node <node>
[sometimes] puppet-master[12498]: Cannot find definition Class on node <node>
[sometimes] puppet-master[12498]: Cannot find definition Class on node <node>

[rare] puppet-master[12498]: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type <own custom type> at <class file> on node <node>
[rare] puppet-master[12498]: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type <own custom type> at <class file> on node <node>
[rare] puppet-master[12498]: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type <own custom type> at <class file> on node <node>

> touch /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/modules/dispatcher/manifests/init.pp

[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class not even part of module dispatcher> for <node not even affected by module dispatcher> on <node not even...>
[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class not even part of module dispatcher> for <node not even affected by module dispatcher> on <node not even...>
[often] puppet-master[12498]: Could not find class <class not even part of module dispatcher> for <node not even affected by module dispatcher> on <node not even...>

Affected classes and nodes seem to be randomly chosen.

Environment this runs in:

> ll /etc/puppet
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   34 Mar  7 10:01 auth.conf -> /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/auth.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   38 Mar  7 10:01 autosign.conf -> /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/autosign.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   40 Mar  7 10:01 fileserver.conf -> /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/fileserver.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   36 Mar  7 10:01 puppet.conf -> /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/puppet.conf

> ls -A /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/
auth.conf  autosign.conf  fileserver.conf  .git  .gitignore  manifests  modules  .project  puppet.conf  scripts

> cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf # on puppetmaster
 logdir = /var/log/puppet
 rundir = /var/run/puppet
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl
 modulepath = /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/modules
 manifestdir = /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/manifests
 manifest = /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/manifests/site.pp

 classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
 localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
 server = <puppetmaster host>
 report = true
 splaylimit = 0
 runinterval = 30

 certname=<puppetmaster host>
 reports = http,log
 reportdir = /var/lib/puppet/reports/upload
 reporturl = http://<puppetmaster host>:3000/reports

> cat /opt/xxx/dev/puppet/manifests/site.pp 
  import 'nodes.pp'
  $puppetserver = <puppetmaster host>

> rpm -qa | egrep "puppet|ruby"


  • Switching to an Apache/Passenger/Rack solution (and dumping WEBrick) seems to solve this problem. Additional info: