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Mongokit validate dict inside list

How can I validate that my desc field is required and my category field is optional?

class Mydoc(Document):

    structure = {
        "name": unicode,
        "items": [{
             "category": int,
             "desc": unicode

 required_fields = ["name", "items", "items.desc"] # Error: items has no attribute 
                                                   # desc, it is a list not a dict.

How can I validate the categories inside the list?



  • The tricky point here is that we do not know how many items there are. Mongokit doesn't allow you to specify a nested object as required because it could potentially be very slow if you have many items.

    So, in short, mongokit doesn't allow required_fields and default_values in nested objects.

    However, Mongokit is very light and can be customized very easily if needed:

    class MyDoc(Document):
        structure = {
            "name": unicode,
            "items": [{
                 "category": int,
                 "desc": unicode
        def validate(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super(MyDoc, self).validate(*args, **kwars)
            for item in self["items"]:
                assert item["desc"], "desc is required: %s" % item