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Script for running processes in foreground but on different terminal tab

I am new to shell scripting. I am using gnome-terminal. I have written one simple script which I need to start my process one-by-one, Here is my Script:

    cd A/
    sleep 1
    ./exe1 &
    echo "-------- exe1 STARTED------"

    cd ../../B/
    sleep 1
    ./exe2_a &
    sleep 1
    ./exe2_b &
    echo "--------exe2 STARTED------"

    cd ../C/
    sleep 1
    ./NAV_exe3_a &
    sleep 1 
    ./NAV_exe3_b &
    echo "--------exe3 STARTED------"

As you can see I am starting 5 different processes in the background, but how do I start them in 5 different tabs in terminal (in foreground) by a single script? Is there any way?


  • If you have gnome-terminal available, you can do something like this:

    gnome-terminal \
      --tab -e "./exe1" \
      --tab -e "./exe2" \
      --tab -e "./exe3"

    Note that this will start everything in parallel. You can implement timed delays using sleep, if you need that sort of thing:

    gnome-terminal \
      --tab -e "./exe1" \
      --tab -e "sh -c 'sleep 5; ./exe2'" \
      --tab -e "sh -c 'sleep 10; ./exe3'"