I'm doing a bit of metaprogramming in Ruby. I'm writing a library to meta-define some methods for me, specifically in the controller (automate some find_by methods that I have to write for my applications).
Currently I generate these methods by having to pass the name of the model for a particular controller into my meta-programming method. Is there a method in a controller that is tied to an ActiveRecord model.
So, here is a poor example
module AwesomeGem
module ClassMethods
def write_some_methods_for(model)
raise "Class #{model.class} does not inherit ActiveRecord::Base" unless model < ActiveRecord::Base
define_method "money_remaining" do |id=nil|
moolah = id ? model.find(id).money : model.find(params[:id]).money
render text: moolah
define_method "money_remaining_poller" do |id=nil|
obj = id ? model.find(id) : model.find(params[:id])
# composes some ajax
render js: moneyjs
So, to use this method, I plan to
GamblerController < ApplicationController
write_some_methods_for Gambler
Again, how could I make it so I don't have to pass the Gambler class to my method? Is there some sort of method or attribute that I could just call the model directly? eg. self.send(:model)
A simple question with a complex explanation.
Controllers are not tied to a particular model by default. You can have a controller playing with several different models, or even a controller using no model at all.
If you still want your code to work automatically in "classic" cases, you could look at the controller's name, and look for a model with the same name (following rails naming conventions).