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Access controller method in a Ruby module

In my Rails app, there is a method defined in the ApplicationController that I need to use in a module. This module also needs to be accessible to all controllers/helpers. I'm not sure what the best way is to give the module access to this method. I figure that there is a way to do it by wrapping the module and then including it into the ApplicationController.

I also want to retain the namespacing instead of including the module methods right into the controller. e.g. instead of just

This is what I'm trying to do:

module Analytics
  module Events
    extend self

    def create_event name
      # do some stuff
      controller_method name

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Analytics

  def controller_method
     # ...

  def some_other_method
    Events.create_event :test

Now I know I can add a self.included method to the Analytics module which gives me the passed in base object, but I don't know how I can make use of that base in the KissMetrics module.

Is this possible or is there a better way of doing this?


To further clarify, I am using a gem that is extended/included into ActionController::Base. See bottom of this script. This library is then configured inside the ApplicationController. All I want to do is have a module with defined events that makes use of this gem. It makes it easier for me to have consistent events across all my controllers e.g.

module Events
  def sign_up_event
    analytical.event "sign up" # calls the library that was loaded into the app controller

# in some controller
# instead of this, which is totally usable but not DRY
analytical.event "sign up"


  • Decided to solve this by changing the module into a class and instantiating it in a before_filter callback in ApplicationController. I pass it the initialized analytical object and all is good. Would have preferred using a module but this does the trick.