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How to do post-processing on YouTube videos for simple video effects?

I'm trying to implement 'mirrored' playback (any right-handed person in a video will appear to be left-handed in a mirrored video) on any YouTube video, but I can't seem to find any resources for manipulating a video, once recorded and uploaded. I was hoping for a simple YouTube player API level access to basic post-processing, but after digging around all three provided APIs (iframe, JavaScript, ActionScript) it looks like I am out of luck.

I was looking into inspecting the network packets for the FLV object in hopes of manually reversing the images, but then I thought I might use that as a last resort. How might you go about doing simple post-processing like mirrored playback? Is there something in the API that I'm missing? Something outside of the APIs that I could try?

Any and all suggestions are welcome.


  • You can use

    There is not an API for this yet but follow YouTube Developers blog and YouTube Dev G+ Page for announcements.