I'm using Enthought's beta distribution of Python Canopy 0.9.1 on Windows 7. How do I increase the size of my IPython buffer. Also how do I pipe the output of a command through a paginator; output is currently unpaginated.
If existing answers like How to increase the ipython qtconsole scrollback buffer limit or How to use Pipe in ipython will work, I don't know how to apply them to Windows.
Thank you!
There's currently no preference or config option to increase the buffer limit currently, but you could create a macro with the following code, and run it.
def run():
code_task = get_active_task()
python_pane = code_task.python_pane
python_pane.frontend.control.buffer_size = 1000
Setting the buffer_size
to a non-positive value, will turn off clipping of the buffer, but this option is "not recommended" by the IPython devs.
To create a new macro,
Tools (Menu) > Edit Macros ...
Tools > Run Macro > (your macro)