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How to check parent folder

I have get my website path using HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath (like this C:/personal/Website/page.aspx)

Web service is always located on page.aspx parent of parent folder (like this C:/personal/Service/service.asmx ). I get the webservice-path using a ABC.dll in servicePath variable like this string servicePath="C:/personal/Service/service.asmx".

How to check service path against website path?

If (GetWebPath()== GetServicePath())
     // ... do something

private string GetWebPath()
        string path = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath;
        string[] array = path.Split('\\');
        string removeString = "";
        for(int i = array.Length; --i >= 0; )
            removeString = array[array.Length - 2];
        path = path.Replace(@"\" + removeString + @"\", "");
        return path;

    private string GetServicePath()
        string path = @"C:\MNJ\OLK\ABC.asmx"
        string[] array = path.Split('\\');
        string removeString = "";
        for(int i = array.Length; --i >= 0; )
            removeString = @"\" + array[array.Length - 2] + @"\" + array[array.Length - 1];
            path = path.Replace(removeString, "");
        return path;


  • string webPath = @"C:\blabla\CS_Web\website\";
    string servicePath = @"C:\blabla\CS_Web\SPM\Server.asmx";
       //You do something here

    You have to up page to parent folder using Path.GetDirectoryName()