I wrote a post commit script in python, "c:\myfolder\myscript.py". I want to invoke it from the post-commit script. This doesn't find it:
bash thinks the command c:myfoldermyscript.py - the slashes get dropped.
So, I tried forward slashes:
But then it seems like bash thinks my .py file is itself a bash script, and so I get bash errors as it mistakenly tries to interpret it.
The first line of a script is called a Shebang, and the only problem with it is:
Shebangs specify absolute paths to system executables; this can cause problems on systems which have non-standard file system layouts.
Even when systems have fairly standard paths, it is quite possible for variants of the same operating system to have different locations for the desired interpreter.
The only other way would be to call python directly within your script
C:/apps/Python25/python c:/myfolder/myscript.py
Either way, forward slashes are in order: this is a bash session which is used to execute Git and its hooks.
The interest of calling directly the python interpreter would be to replace it by an environment variable:
$PYTHON_HOME/python $SCRIPT_FOLDER/myscript.py