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why easeljs fails, when does animations with TexturePacker, at change the number of decimals?

I don't know if the problem is a easeljs fault or if I'm doing something wrong (quite possibly). When I do animations with TexturePacker object, the animations that are in array positions between numbers with different number of decimals, don't display. (ex. 9 to 10, 99 to 100)

The code example in jsfiddle:

var fromTexturePacker = {
    "animations": {
        "0": [0],
            "1": [1],
            "2": [2],
            "3": [3],
            "4": [4],
            "5": [5],
            "6": [6],
            "7": [7],
            "8": [8],
            "9": [9],
            "10": [10],

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);


var image = new Image();
image.src = "";

var Animaciones = {
    images: [image],
    frames: {
        width: 240,
        height: 315,
        regX: 120,
        regY: 160
    animations: {}

var anim = fromTexturePacker['animations'];

Animaciones.animations['go0to9'] = [anim['0'], anim['9']];
Animaciones.animations['go9to10'] = [anim['9'], anim['10']];
Animaciones.animations['go10to10'] = [anim['10'], anim['10']];

bird = new createjs.BitmapAnimation(new createjs.SpriteSheet(Animaciones));
bird.x = 150;
bird.y = 150;



  • Your issue is that you are referencing single frames as "animations" and use an array for just 1 frame. There are multiple ways of how this will work, see my fork below:

    //either remove the arrays
    var fromTexturePacker = {
        "animations": {
                "0": 0,
                "1": 1,
                "2": 2,
                "3": 3,
                "4": 4,
                "5": 5,
                "6": 6,
                "7": 7,
                "8": 8,
                "9": 9,
                "10": 10
    //OR if you NEED to put single frames into arrays, use this:
    Animaciones.animations['go9to10'] = [anim['9'][0], anim['10'][0]];

    The EaselJS Animation-System is pretty powerfull, I'd say it's amazing enough that you animation was working by supplying a multi-dimensional array as frames.