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How to find forgot password from the database?

i have one project in which i want to send forgot password mail but i am not able to find user name and password from the database it is sending blank mail like UserName : and Password : i want to find user name and password from the data base in 3 tier architecture thanks in advance and this is my code....

 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int id = MyRegistration.fgusername(txt_Email.Text.Trim());
        if (id > 0)
            string sQuery = "Select UserName, Password From Registration Where EmailID = '" + txt_Email.Text + "'";

            DataSet ds =DataAccessLayer.ExeSelectQuery(sQuery);
                string sUserName = "";
                string sPassword = "";
                sendMail( sUserName, sPassword);
            catch (Exception ex) { }
        else { label1.Text = "Invalid User"; }

Data Access Layer :

  public static int fgusername(string sEmailId)
            int id1 = 0;
            string selectstr = "SELECT UserName, Password FROM Registration WHERE EmailID = '" + sEmailId.Trim() + "'";
            id1 = DataAccessLayer.ExecuteReader(selectstr);
            return id1;


  • DataSet ds =DataAccessLayer.ExeSelectQuery(sQuery);
      if(ds .Tables[0].Rows.Count>0)
      string sUserName = "";
                    string sPassword = "";
                     sUserName =   ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Username"].ToString();
                     sPassword =   ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Password"].ToString();
    sendMail( sUserName, sPassword);

    Hi Try this Hope It will help u..