From the unix terminal, we can use diff file1 file2
to find the difference between two files. Is there a similar command to show the similarity across 2 files? (many pipes allowed if necessary.
Each file contains a line with a string sentence; they are sorted and duplicate lines removed with sort file1 | uniq
And the output should output the lines that appears in both files.
I am able to use python to do it as such but i think it's a little too much to put into the terminal:
x = set([i.strip() for i in open('wn-rb.dic')])
y = set([i.strip() for i in open('wn-s.dic')])
z = x.intersection(y)
outfile = open('reverse-diff.out')
for i in z:
print>>outfile, i
As @tjameson mentioned it may be solved in another thread.
Just would like to post another solution:
sort file1 file2 | awk 'dup[$0]++ == 1'
refer to awk guide to get some awk basics, when the pattern value of a line is true this line will be printed
dup[$0] is a hash table in which each key is each line of the input,
the original value is 0 and increments once this line occurs, when
it occurs again the value should be 1, so dup[$0]++ == 1
is true.
Then this line is printed.
Note that this only works when there are not duplicates in either file, as was specified in the question.