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Java. HtmlUnitDriver. Drop down Window issue

I'm using HtmlUnit in Java to deal with a DropDown Window (Java).

I tried as User skaffman suggests:

WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver();
WebClient client = new Webclient();
Page page = client.getPage("https://...");
HtmlSelect select = (HtmlSelect) page.getElementById(mySelectId);
HtmlOption option = select.getOptionByValue(desiredOptionValue);
select.setSelectedAttribute(option, true);

It does not recognize: getElementById. Eclipse recommends to swith to findElement(" ")) PLEASE HELP


  • I agree with my college. The above code is correct, make sure you set javascript enabled, otherwise you will have issues with HtmlUnit

    driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(); 
    ((HtmlUnitDriver) driver).setJavascriptEnabled(true);