My question is why are the two histograms in following code the same. Because the picture does change, first show shows original picture and second shows completely black picture.
Am I miss-using simpleCV or is this perhaps a bug?
from itertools import product
from SimpleCV import Image
from SimpleCV import Color
if __name__ == '__main__':
def number_of_hues(picture):
image = Image(picture)
#convert the picture's space to HSV
image = image.toHSV()
original_histogram = image.histogram()
(image_x_length, image_y_length) = image.size()
for i,j in product(range(image_x_length), range(image_y_length)):
image[i,j] = Color.BLACK
new_histogram = image.histogram()
for o,n in zip(original_histogram, new_histogram):
if o != n:
print o,n
When was the last time you did a pull from the develop github repo? There was a bug in the set item call for the image class that kept images from getting set directly. It was fixed a couple weeks ago. Generally you should try to avoid directly looping over image objects and setting pixels directly as it can be really slow. If you think you found a bug please submit an issue to our github repo and we will try to address it as soon as we can.