I think this question is a little but stupid but I can't find the answer.
I'm doing the classic game pong. And I want that the ball goes at the same speed for any angle. But with my current algorithm (incrementing x by one and calculating y) if the a in y=ax+b is high there is big gaps between each pixel. What step should I use?
So we have something like this:
| \
y | \ r
| θ\
x oldPoint
What you basically want is to make a step in distance related to r, not x.
From elementary trig:
cos θ = x/r
and sin θ = y/r
So newX = oldX + r * cos θ
and newY = oldY + r * sin θ
You can play around with r
's value (this will basically be the speed of movement).
will be the direction of the ball.