I'm putting together a package; for simplicity with one function and one vignette illustrating its use.
I was able to run R CMD check packagename
with no difficulties before I tried adding the vignette.
The package has a functionfoo.R
in the R
directory of packagename
(it makes a plot with base graphics).
The vignette, in the vignettes
directory, (an .Rnw
file) calls function foo
like this:
<<fig1, fig=true, echo=true, include=true>>=
df0 <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(10))
I'm tying to play 'by the rules' but running R CMD check packagename
as usual gives:
When sourcing 'foo.R':
Error: could not find function "foo"
Execution halted
I've tried adding the following to the .Rnw
file, which didn't help:
I've also tried this with no success:
<<fig1, fig=true, echo=true, include=true>>=
df0 <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(10))
Note that the NAMESPACE
file already contains the following:
Do I need to add a specific source()
command in the .Rnw
file every time I call a function from the package? If so, how do I specify the path (i.e. where is R CMD check
starting from when checking the vignette?)
Or should I take the easy way out by adding the following to the DESCRIPTION
BuildVignettes: False
(As I'm able to build a .pdf
from the existing .Rnw
I'm trying to follow the advice in Writing R extensions.
Your vignette needs to have library("mypkg")
at the top so that your own functions, like foo
, can be found. I believe this is because the vignette building runs in a clean environment so it doesn't know about your package or any other for that matter unless you bring it up.
If you have such a line already, put a minimal example of your vignette into your question, and include your sessionInfo()
as we may need that to figure it out.