I am trying to develop a GUI (using gWidgets) for an R package. My plan was to construct a main window holding the data, and with buttons calling small gui wrappers for each function. Unfortunately I am stuck on a basic(?) problem - I don't know how to transfer the data.
My problem is similar to: Loading and saving variables in R with gWidgets, but from what I have read the use of .GlobalEnv is not recommended.
I have also seen someone using the <<- operator: http://www.mail-archive.com/r-sig-gui@r-project.org/msg00053.html, but I can't reproduce it properly (and it will not work with my example, I think).
Below is a simple example, where I try to send a text to another window and back again if the button is pressed. I have tried with return inside the handler, but that doesn't work (also not sure if it is allowed). The subwindow immediately return its value at the end of the function, before the handler/inner function can act on the data. I don't know how to reach out from the handler to the main window.
main <- function(){
w <- gwindow(title="Main window",
txt <- gtext(text="Initial text in main window.",
btn <- gbutton("Send to sub window", container=w)
addHandlerChanged(btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
shouldbenew <- subwindow(svalue(txt))
svalue(txt) <- paste("The sub window immediately returns 'TRUE', before pushing 'Return to main':", shouldbenew )
} )
visible(w) <- TRUE
subwindow<- function(text){
sw <- gwindow(title="Sub window",
editedtxt <- gtext(text=paste(text, "- Text is transferred to the sub window, but I don't know how to send it back to the main window"),
btn <- gbutton("Send to main window", container=sw)
addHandlerChanged(btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
newtxt <- svalue(editedtxt)
} )
visible(sw) <- TRUE
Update: Here is the solution I picked as the way forward (as suggested by jverzani), illustrated using the example above. I hope I understood the suggested solution correct and that I have implemented it in a 'nice' way, ideally accepted at CRAN.
To summarise I created a new environment within the main window environment. I edited the sub window to take the environment in the call. Pressing the button in the sub window assign
the edited text to the passed environment. When the sub window is closed, and the main window comes into focus, the edited text is accessible from the environment using get
main <- function(){
# Create a new environment for passing data.
.mainGlobal <- new.env()
w <- gwindow(title="Main window", visible=FALSE)
txt <- gtext(text="Initial text in main window.",
btn <- gbutton("Send to sub window", container=w)
addHandlerChanged(btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Call sub widget passing text and environment.
subwindow(text=svalue(txt), env=.mainGlobal)
} )
visible(w) <- TRUE
addHandlerFocus(w, handler = function (h, ...) {
if(exists("myText", envir=.mainGlobal)){
# Retrieve text and update.
svalue(txt) <- get("myText", envir=.mainGlobal)
subwindow<- function(text, env=NULL){
sw <- gwindow(title="Sub window", visible=FALSE)
editedtxt <- gtext(text=text, container=sw)
btn <- gbutton("Send to main window", container=sw)
addHandlerChanged(btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
newtxt <- svalue(editedtxt)
assign("myText", newtxt, envir=env)
} )
visible(sw) <- TRUE
A better approach, but one that involves a bigger reworking of your code, is to store GUIs in reference classes.
You call setRefClass
with a list of fields (one for each widget), and define an initialise method where the GUI is created. I usually create a function to wrap the call that creates an instance. See setRefClass
at the end of the code block.
mainGui <- suppressWarnings(setRefClass( #Warnings about local assignment not relevant
fields = list(
w = "ANY", #"GWindow"
txt = "ANY", #"GEdit"
btn = "ANY" #"GButton"
methods = list(
initialize = function(windowPosition = c(0, 0))
"Creates the GUI"
w <<- gwindow(
"Main window",
visible = FALSE,
parent = windowPosition
txt <<- gedit(
"Initial text in main window.",
container = w
btn <<- gbutton(
"Send to sub window",
container = w
handler = function(h, ...) {
visible(w) <- TRUE
#other methods to access GUI functionality go here
getText = function()
setText = function(newTxt)
svalue(txt) <- newTxt
createMainGui <- function(...)