To exclude some attributes from search and sorting I add following to my model
UNRANSACKABLE_ATTRIBUTES = %w[id created_at updated_at section]
def self.ransackable_attributes auth_object = nil
(column_names - UNRANSACKABLE_ATTRIBUTES) + _ransackers.keys
Two of my models use this, so what is the way to keep my code DRY and write this method once?
This can be done next way:
1) uncomment config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras) in 'config/application.rb' and change 'extras' to 'lib'
2) in 'lib' directory create 'ransackable_attributes.rb':
module RansackableAttributes
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
def self.ransackable_attributes auth_object = nil
(column_names - self::UNRANSACKABLE_ATTRIBUTES) + _ransackers.keys
3) Add 'include' to models
class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base
include RansackableAttributes
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
include RansackableAttributes