I have the following shell script named dump.sh
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#module load gcc octave
octave --eval "dumpoct($Nlay, $prefix);"
This script loads the octave module and then evaluates the following octave function, which simply displays the two input arguments
function dumpoct(arg1,arg2)
When I submit the shell script as follows, it works (passing two numbers as arguments)
qsub -v Nlay=10,prefix=40 dump.sh
However when I submit it with one number one string argument as follows:
qsub -v Nlay=10,prefix="qwerty" dump.sh
I get an error
error: `qwerty' undefined near line 0 column 13
error: evaluating argument list element number 2
I have also tried the following and I get the same errors
qsub -v Nlay=10,prefix='qwerty' dump.sh
qsub -v Nlay=10,prefix=qwerty dump.sh
Any idea how I can do that?
Thank you
I think this is a bash interpreter issue, in that it basically removes the quotes. Try this:
qsub -v Nlay=10,prefix=\"qwerty\" dump.sh
The backslashes prevent the quotation marks from being interpreted as instructions for the bash interpreter.
Note: it may not completely solve the problem, due to bash itself being used in dump.sh. You may also need to pass the backslashes themselves... which makes it look a bit bulky, like this:
qsub -v Nlay=10,prefix=\\\"qwerty\\\" dump.sh
Which would then appear in dump.sh as \"qwerty\", which would then be interpreted by bash and be passed to octave as "qwerty". Not sure if there's a more sleek solution.
There's a more sleek solution, although only slightly so. It's like this:
qsub -v Nlay=10,prefix='\"qwerty\"' dump.sh
Single quote will make it pass the backslashes, but unfortunately you can't use two single quotes - it won't pass ''qwerty'' correctly.