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How to implement Switch/if else if statement in spring webflow?

Have implemented switch statement as below.

Could you please verify and correct it if there is any wrong?

<set name="flowScope.Valid" value="true">
<decision-state id="isDNCheckNotRequired" test="Valid == true">
<transition on="true" to="even"/>
<transition on="false" to="odd"/>

<action-state id="even">
<evaluate expression="Test.setEven(true)">

<action-state id="odd">
<evaluate expression="Test.set(false)">

And please let me know is this way of implementation supports in spring webflow 2.0

Thanks in advance.


  • Quoting the documentation

    for decision states

    <decision-state id="moreAnswersNeeded">
        <if test="interview.moreAnswersNeeded()" then="answerQuestions" else="finish" />

    as an alternative for

    <action-state id="moreAnswersNeeded">
        <evaluate expression="interview.moreAnswersNeeded()" />
        <transition on="yes" to="answerQuestions" />
        <transition on="no" to="finish" />

    Analogically for view states

    <view-state id="uploadFile" model="uploadFileHandler">
        <var name="fileUploadHandler" class="" />
        <transition on="upload" to="finish" >
            <evaluate expression="fileUploadHandler.processFile()"/>
        <transition on="cancel" to="finish" bind="false"/>
