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Analytical TSQL

I need to produce some SQL that will show me the trend (up or down tick) in some transacitons.

Consider this table with a PlayerId and a Score

PlayerId, Score, Date

If I pull data from 3/15 I have a score of 12 with an upward trend compared to the historical data.

I did something similar in Oracle 8i about 10 years ago using some of the analytical functions like rank, however it was 10 years ago....

The results would look similar to

PlayerId, Score, Date, Trend

How can I do something similar with sql azure?


  • This SQL:

    with data as (
      select * from ( values
      (1,11,cast('2013/03/12' as smalldatetime)),
      (1,15,cast('2013/03/13' as smalldatetime)),
      (1,11,cast('2013/03/14' as smalldatetime)),
      (1,12,cast('2013/03/15' as smalldatetime))
      ) data(PlayerId,Score,[Date])
      Prev = isnull(prev.Score,0),
      tick = case when this.Score > isnull(prev.Score,0) then 'Up' else 'Down' end
    from data this
    left join data prev 
        on prev.PlayerId = this.PlayerId
       and prev.[Date]     = this.[Date] - 1

    returns this output:

    PlayerId    Score       Date                    Prev        tick
    ----------- ----------- ----------------------- ----------- ----
    1           11          2013-03-12 00:00:00     0           Up
    1           15          2013-03-13 00:00:00     11          Up
    1           11          2013-03-14 00:00:00     15          Down
    1           12          2013-03-15 00:00:00     11          Up