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How to consume 3party json services in GWT

I'm looking for the best way in GWT to access a 3party json rest service and parse its response quickly. The rest service offers the callback parameter, and the example they gave us is using jQuery.jsonp:

  type: 'GET',
  url: 'http://server_name?id=and_id&callback=?',
  contentType: "application/json",
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  success: function(js) {/*{id='id',status='sold',prod_name='name',price=0.0 ...}*/},
  error: function(e) {}


  • Although GWT comes with a JsonpRequestBuilder to perform requests via script tags and AutoBeans to handle json responses and generate java implementations, I prefer gwtquery Ajax and DataBinding because of its simplicity.

    In your case you could have almost the same syntax that your provider gave you:

           $$("type:'get', dataType: 'jsonp'),
           new Function() {
            public void f() {
              Properties jso = getDataProperties();
              String status = jso.get("error");

    If you prefer to use builders because you like get/setters your code could look like this:

      public static interface MResponse extends JsonBuilder {
        String getId();
        String getStatus();
        String getProd_name();
        double getPrice();
        .done(new Function() {
          public void f() {
            MResponse resp = GWT.<MResponse>create(MResponse.class)
            String status = resp.getStatus();