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AutoData Theories with AutoFixture using manual fakes

Given this system to test:

public class MySut
    private readonly IHardToMockDependency _hardToMockDependency;

    public MySut(IHardToMockDependency hardToMockDependency,
                 IOtherDependency otherDependency)
        _hardToMockDependency = hardToMockDependency;

    public string GetResult()
        return _hardToMockDependency.GetResult();

public interface IOtherDependency { }

public interface IHardToMockDependency
    string GetResult();

And this unit test:

internal class FakeHardToMockDependency : IHardToMockDependency
    private readonly string _result;

    public FakeHardToMockDependency(string result)
        _result = result;

    public string GetResult()
        return _result;

public class MyTests
    public void GetResultReturnsExpected()
        string expectedResult = "what I want";
        var otherDependencyDummy = new Mock<IOtherDependency>();
        var sut = new MySut(new FakeHardToMockDependency(expectedResult),

        var actualResult = sut.GetResult();

        Assert.Equal(expectedResult, actualResult);

How should I convert it to use AutoFixture.Xunit and AutoFixture.AutoMoq (while still using the manual fake)?

In real-world tests, the manual fake would have a more complex interface and behavior. Note that I want to pass the anonymous variable (the expectedResult string) to the constructor of the manual fake.


  • There are already some good answers here, but I'd like to suggest a simpler alternative that involves slightly loosening the invariants of the FakeHardToMockDependency class. Make it public, and provide a way to assign the result that is decoupled from the constructor:

    public class FakeHardToMockDependency : IHardToMockDependency
        private string _result;
        public FakeHardToMockDependency(string result)
            _result = result;
        internal string Result
            get { return _result; }
            set { _result = value; }
        public string GetResult()
            return _result;

    Notice that I've added an internal property and removed the readonly keyword from the field.

    This enables you to refactor the original test to this:

    [Theory, AutoMoqData]
    public void GetResultReturnsExpected_AutoDataVersion(
        [Frozen(As = typeof(IHardToMockDependency))]FakeHardToMockDependency fake,
        MySut sut)
        var expected = "what I want";
        fake.Result = expected;
        var actual = sut.GetResult();
        Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

    For completeness, here's the AutoMoqDataAttribute code:

    public class AutoMoqDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
        public AutoMoqDataAttribute()
            : base(new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization()))