I'm working on an embedded Webkit browser (with Qt 4.8.0 on linux) that runs with a remote control on a TV set.
I have pretty much everything working so far, and I'm now trying to handle the <input>
tag in webpages.
What I'd like to happen is: whenever an input field is selected, I'd like to pop my virtual keyboard and let the user enter text with his remote, then push back the result into the .
I tried several methods already to do that:
at different stages of my browser (in the QApp, in the QGraphicsWebPage, in the QGraphicsWebView ): I see LOADS of events, but never the ones I'm interested in ( QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel
/ QEvent::CloseSoftwareInputPanel
/ FocusIn
/ FocusOut
/ Enter
/ Leave
gives me the same result as the previous point.Since I'm not using a mouse, I can't handle the events like "mouse hover" or "mouse clicked" to determine if the <input>
element was focused.
So I'm wondering how I can hook up to any <input>
in the web page to detect when the focus arrived on it. Note that I guess this has to work even if the <input>
field is dynamically inserted through a Javascript script in the page.
Is there a Qt signal I can connect to?
How to handle new input forms inserted dynamically?
Possible solutions I havent explored yet: using the QT_KEYPAD_NAVIGATION
in mkspecs for my arch, and then filter the QEvent::EnterEditFocus that should pass. I'd rather stick to the vanilla Qt that I have now, so that's an extreme (which I'm not sure will work).
For those interested in the solution, here it is:
use addToJavascriptWindowObject()
to insert a C++ object of your own, that has at least 1 method: showMultitap(cont QWebElement&)
. Let's say you insert it with the name "multitap".
inject a javascript code that looks like the following:
document.addEventListener("focus", function(e){ window.multitap.showMultitap(e); // will land in your C++ object }, true);
And check in your C++ handler that the element is a text element before actually showing the VK.
to your Qt compilation process (best is to put them in the qmakespecs of your arch).