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CutyCapt with php exec

I'am using CutyCapt on my CentOS. It works fine via terminal but it doesn't work via php exec function. I've started xvfb by command in terminal:

Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24

And I'am trying to do a screenshot by php script:

exec("DISPLAY=:99 /path/to/cutycapt --url=<some url> --out=<path/to/output>");

It doesn't show any errors but there is no output file (output directory has chmod 777) Can somebody help me?


UPD: Maybe it is better somehow to allow executing of Xvfb by Apache?


  • I've managed to get CutyCapt to run successfully using the php at the end. The $_parameters are passed via AJAX to the php script. Hope this helps...

     case 'Output_Chart': {
        // We always create the .png.  We use the  ImageMagick convert (IMC) command to make .pdfs
        if ($_Suffix == 'pdf') {
           $IMC = ";convert -page 735x850 '$_PathOut/$_ChartName.png' '$_PathOut/$_ChartName.pdf'";
        } else {
           $IMC = '';
        // Prepare the query string for the CutyCapt URL
        $sQuery_Pattern   = '?Path=%s&iDL=%d';
        $sQuery           = sprintf($sQuery_Pattern, $_Path, $_iDL);
        // Prepare CutyCapt's command and parameters (NB: query string and out parameter are enclosed in aposts for the shell)
        $sCC_Cmd          = '/var/www/LF/Includes/CutyCapt';
        $sCC_URL          = "http://localhost/LF/LFPrint.html'$sQuery'";     // Note: Inner apostrophes
        $sCC_Out          = "'$_PathOut/$_ChartName.png'";
        $sCC_Pattern      = ' --url=%s --out=%s --delay=%d --min-width=%d';
        $sCC_Options      = sprintf($sCC_Pattern, $sCC_URL, $sCC_Out, $_Delay, $_MinWidth);
        //$sCC_CmdLine         = $sCC_Cmd . $sCC_Options . " 2> CutyCapt.err.txt";
        $sCC_CmdLine         = $sCC_Cmd . $sCC_Options . " 2> /dev/null";
        // Prepare the final command line with xvfb-run, CutyCapt, and the URL?QueryString
        $sCC_CmdLine = 'xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args="-screen 0, 800x1000x24" ' . $sCC_CmdLine . $IMC;
        exec( $sCC_CmdLine, $aOutput = array(), $ret);
        // Wait for and then return the results.  sCC_CmdLine and aOutput are just for debugging
        echo json_encode(array("ret" => $ret, "cmd" => $sCC_CmdLine, "Output" => $aOutput));