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Formal approach for text processing

During a coding interview I was asked the next question:

Write a program which counts the number of words and lines in the input stream.
Assume you have a reader with method nextChar().

At the first glance it looks simple. But then you realize, that you need to handle a lot of states, like:

  • a consecutive word/line delimeters
  • different end-of-word conditions - words separator or line separator or EOF
  • new string which starts with words separators
  • etc

On the interview I came up with a sortof spagetti code with many if-else and flags.

But I think there should be a formal approach for this kind of problems, which allows you to guarantee that you handled all possible cases, and which can give a structured solution.

I think it maybe something either from automata theory, or from compilers theory (I've never made a deep dive to any of these two areas before).

So, if you recognize a certain type of problem in the problem above, or you know which theory covers problems like this, please let me know.


  • Finite state machines.

    This is essentially a small lexing task. The solution will never be pretty but if you write your code in the following way you can be quite confident of correctness:

    curState <- NONE
    while(c <- getChar)
        switch(curState) {
           case NONE:
               switch(c) {
                   // ....
           // .....

    You can also use a data structure to store the transition function (given a state and a character, what is the next state?) but for your case just writing the code is probably the best bet.

    ... don't forget about your text encoding! UTF-16, right? :)

    You might want to look into implementations of the Unix wc utility:

    These will be more polished and featured than what you will do in an interview, but its nice to see regardless.