I'm attempting to implement a grammar in haskell using the parsec library but I'm having issues with expected Vs. actual types as defined in the grammar, I know the answer to my question is no doubt simple/obvious but alas there is something I'm not understanding...
An excerpt of data declaration follows (should be sufficient to diagnose):
data Expr1 = SeqOfExpr1 [Expr1]
| Lambda Expr8 Expr1
| List Expr2 Expr1
| If Expr2 Expr1 Expr1
| Expr2
deriving (Show)
data Expr2 = SeqOfExpr3 [Expr3]
deriving (Show)
data Expr3 = SeqOfExpr4 [Expr4]
deriving (Show)
----------------------------Redundant Code Omitted------------------------------
expr1 :: Parser Expr1
expr1 = declaration
<|> list
<|> ifStmt
<|> expr2
declaration :: Parser Expr1
declaration =
do reservedOp "\\"
var <- name
reservedOp "->"
expr <- expr1
return $ Lambda var expr
list :: Parser Expr1
list =
do exprA <- expr2
reservedOp ":"
exprB <- expr1
return $ List exprA exprB
Now there are further data declarations for expressions down to Expr8 but they are much the same as expr2 -> expr3 the different between them is how they are delimited e.g. Expr3's are delimited by "||", Expr4's by "&&" etc.
One of issues I'm having (which if solved should provide me with the idea to fix the rest):
The List value constructor returns an Expr1 which causes a conflict:
Couldn't match expected type `Expr2' with actual type `Expr1'
In the first argument of `List', namely `exprA'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `List exprA exprB'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: return $ List exprA exprB
I think it's because I'm using Expr2 as a value declaration in Expr1 but I'm not sure how to correct the grammar to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance for any help!
In data Expr1
, you have a nullary constructor Expr2
. I suspect you meant that to be something like
data Expr1 =
| Foo Expr2
to wrap an Expr2
Anyway, as per
expr1 :: Parser Expr1
expr1 = declaration
<|> list
<|> ifStmt
<|> expr2
the compiler infers expr2 :: Parser Expr1
, but when you try
list :: Parser Expr1
list =
do exprA <- expr2
reservedOp ":"
exprB <- expr1
return $ List exprA exprB
the type of List
means exprA
must be an Expr2
, but from expr2
's type, the compiler knows exprA :: Expr1
So you probably need to wrap expr2
in list
list = ...
<|> fmap Foo expr2
if you change the definition of Expr1
to include a Foo
constructor to wrap an Expr2