Is this question more appropriate for Boost forums? The complete code is referenced below and I do not consider that I have incorrectly attempted to convert an auto_ptr serialization example into a unique_ptr example as compared to other unique_ptr examples on this site. Thus, why would I receive a compilation error deep within a Boost library? I have used Boost serialization on standard containers before with no problems and, although this is a custom adapter, if similar examples have compiled, why not this?
I referenced in an attempt to serialize my binary tree using a custom adaptor. Below is a code dump representing an sscce.
// disables conversion from 'std::streamsize' to 'size_t', possible loss of data
#pragma warning(disable:4244)
#define BST_FILE_NAME "tree.dat" // default filename used to save and load
namespace boost {
namespace serialization {
template <class Archive, class T>
inline void save
(Archive &archive,
const std::unique_ptr<T> &subtree,
const unsigned int file_version)
// only the raw pointer has to be saved
const T *const subtree_x = subtree.get();
archive << subtree_x;
template <class Archive, class T>
inline void load
(Archive &archive,
const std::unique_ptr<T> &subtree,
const unsigned int file_version)
T *p_subtree;
archive >> p_subtree;
subtree = std::unique_ptr< T >(p_subtree);
template <class Archive, class T>
inline void serialize
(Archive &archive,
const std::unique_ptr<T> &subtree,
const unsigned int file_version)
boost::serialization::split_free(archive, subtree, file_version);
} // namespace serialization
} // namespace boost
template <class T = int>
class BinarySearchTree{
class BinarySearchTreeNode{
std::unique_ptr<BinarySearchTreeNode> node_factory(const T &new_key, const T &new_index){
return std::unique_ptr<BinarySearchTreeNode>(new BinarySearchTreeNode(new_key, new_index)); }
BinarySearchTreeNode(BinarySearchTreeNode &&other) : key(other.key), index(other.index), left(std::move(other.left)),
right(std::move(other.right)) {key = index = left = right = nullptr; }
BinarySearchTreeNode &operator=(BinarySearchTreeNode &&rhs) { if(this != rhs) { key = rhs.key; index = rhs.index;
left = std::move(rhs.left); right = std::move(rhs.right);
rhs.key = rhs.index = rhs.left = rhs.right = nullptr;} return *this;}
~BinarySearchTreeNode() {} // Note to self; don't hide the destructor
friend class BinarySearchTree;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int /* file_version */){
archive & key;
archive & index;
archive & left;
archive & right;
T key;
long index;
std::unique_ptr<BinarySearchTreeNode> left;
std::unique_ptr<BinarySearchTreeNode> right;
BinarySearchTreeNode() {}
BinarySearchTreeNode(const T &new_key, const T &new_index) :key(new_key), index(new_index),
left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
std::unique_ptr<BinarySearchTreeNode> root;
std::list<T> tree_keys;
std::list<long> tree_indicies;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int version){
archive & root;
BinarySearchTree(const BinarySearchTree &other){}
BinarySearchTree &operator=(const BinarySearchTree &rhs){}
std::unique_ptr<BinarySearchTreeNode> insert(const T &new_key, const T &new_index,
std::unique_ptr<BinarySearchTreeNode> &tree){
if(tree == nullptr){
return root->node_factory(new_key, new_index);
}else if(std::less<T> () (new_key, tree->key)){ // Left insertion
tree->left = insert(new_key, new_index, tree->left);
return std::move(tree);
}else { // Right insertion
tree->right = insert(new_key, new_index, tree->right);
return std::move(tree);
BinarySearchTree() : root(nullptr) {}
BinarySearchTree(BinarySearchTree &&other) : root(std::move(other.root)) { other.root = nullptr; }
BinarySearchTree &operator=(BinarySearchTree &&rhs) { if(this != rhs) { root = std::move(rhs.root);
rhs.root = nullptr} return *this; }
bool insert_into_tree(const T &new_key, const T &new_index){
if(new_key == NULL){
return false;
root = std::move(insert(new_key, new_index, root));
return true;
void save(const BinarySearchTree &tree)
// create and open a binary archive for output
std::ofstream writer(BST_FILE_NAME, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
boost::archive::binary_oarchive serial_writer(writer);
//set_flags(0, true);
// write class instance to archive
serial_writer << tree;
// archive and stream closed when destructors are called
}else if({
void load(BinarySearchTree &tree)
// create and open a binary archive for output
std::ifstream reader(BST_FILE_NAME, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive serial_reader(reader);
// read class state from archive
serial_reader >> tree;
// archive and stream closed when destructors are called
}else if({
~BinarySearchTree() {}
The code above compiles as does any usage of the tree member functions. Once choosing to call save, that is when the compiler error appears. Here is main:
#include "physical_view.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
BinarySearchTree<> tree;
tree.insert_into_tree(10, 5);
tree.insert_into_tree(5, 15);
tree.insert_into_tree(15, 10); <--------- All is wonderful to here!; <---------- Compiler unhappy here!
How about that compiler error:
Error 1 error C2039: 'serialize' : is not a member of 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty>' c:\boost_12\include\boost-1_53_1\boost\serialization\access.hpp 118
I thank you for helping me resolve this compiler error.
The is that the signature of your serialize and load functions is incorrect. The std::unique_ptr<T>
argument needs to be non-const for both of them. Since it can't deduce the types (due to the const), it simply ignores the overload and fails to find it at all.