I'm trying to convert an HBITMAP to an IWICBitmap, and I'm having quite a bit of trouble. I found the function:
but I can't get it to work. Here is how I am using it:
void camera_avtcam_ex_t::GrabAsyncFrame(ULONG frameId, IWICImagingFactory* pWicFactory, IWICBitmap** outputBitmap, bool* pAbort )
HBITMAP transferbitmap;
GetFeatureAndRunAcquisitionStart(transferbitmap); //returns transferbitmap
//as a valid HBITMAP
//This HBITMAP works, I can save it to a file and/or print
//it to the screen and the image is displayed properly
pWicFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(transferbitmap, NULL, WICBitmapUseAlpha, outputBitmap);
Executing that last line of code in the function causes an access violation error.
Right before this GrabAsyncFrame()
function is called, I create the parameters it needs like this:
ULONG frameId = 0;
IWICImagingFactory* pWicFactory = NULL;
IWICBitmap** outputBitmap = new IWICBitmap*;
bool* pAbort = NULL;
theCamera.GrabAsyncFrame(frameId, pWicFactory, outputBitmap, pAbort);
I'm kind of suspect to setting pWicFactory to NULL, and then using it soon after. But I couldn't figure out any other way to initialize the IWICImagingFactory objects.
So my question is: New question is posted below.
EDIT: If I try using new
to initialize pWicFactory, I get a message saying
Error: object of abstract class type "IWICImagingFactory" is not allowed.
After confirming that setting pWicFactory to NULL was the problem, I now need to know how to properly initialize an IWICImagingFactory object pointer. This is what I'm working with now:
ULONG frameId = 0;
IWICImagingFactory* pWicFactory = NULL;
/*new code*/CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pWicFactory));
IWICBitmap** outputBitmap = new IWICBitmap*;
bool* pAbort = NULL;
theCamera.GrabAsyncFrame(frameId, pWicFactory, outputBitmap, pAbort);
Question: How do I properly initialize an IWICImagingFactory object pointer?
This declaration
IWICImagingFactory* pWicFactory = NULL;
is the culprit.
You're passing a NULL
pointer to the function, which you then try to use, causing the error.